Statement on the rise of Anti-Asian Racism during the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent shooting in Atlanta.

 We as a church denounce the current rise in anti-Asian racism that is springing up throughout our country. We choose to actively speak out against hate crimes, xenophobic rhetoric, and violence against our people and communities. We believe that all people have been created in the image of our God and must be treated with their God-given dignity. As a church, we believe we have a duty to pursue Christ-centered reconciliation and restoration in our families, communities, and the world at large. 

To our Asian-American brothers and sisters, you are not alone. We are with you, we hear you, and we love you. We recognize that there is a lot of pain in the Asian-American community during this time and we want you to know that we understand your pain. Please know that REACTS is a safe space for you to come and be heard, be known, and be loved. We say this with the utmost confidence because we recognize that our God hears us, knows us, and loves us. 

To our brothers and sisters of other backgrounds, we thank you for standing with us during this time and lending your voices, prayers, thoughts, and support. We are grateful for all of your efforts, especially our brothers and sisters in the black and brown communities who have been trailblazers in this cause. We want to continue to work together to pursue a Christ-centered vision for the communities that we are all apart of. While we may come from different ethnic backgrounds, we whole-heartedly recognize that what unites us is far greater than anything that can divide us. We affirm that our differences are nothing in comparison to the unity that has been bought for us in Christ Jesus. Thank you for being with us in our struggles and know that we are with you in yours. 

To all of our brothers and sisters in Christ, this world is in desperate need of the Gospel. Let us work together to see true transformation in our families, our communities, and the world.